Tag Archives: romance

One Night at the Jacaranda – Carol Cooper

dreaming of books 4

Rather than a full book review, in these posts, I simply jot down a few lines on books I’ve enjoyed.

One Night at the Jacaranda by Carol Cooper

One Night at the Jacaranda by Carol Cooper

In search of love, a delightful miscellany of contrasting London types sign up for a night of speed-dating at the Jacaranda pub. Following the trials and tribulations of an undercover journo desperate for a feature, a GP with custody issues, a single mother, a terminally ill cat-lover, an obsessive misogynist and an ex-con, among others, Carol Cooper has written a light, witty and enjoyable book about the perennial quest for one’s better half.

Available from Amazon.

Thoreau in Love – John Schuyler Bishop

dreaming of books 3

Rather than a full book review, in these posts, I simply jot down a few lines on books I’ve enjoyed.


Thoreau in Love by John Schuyler Bishop

Pages torn from Thoreau’s personal journal inspired this fictional account, postulating on the idea that the missing pages, covering his youthful sojourn in New York, would reveal a gay dalliance, were they extant today. Suffice to say I adored this book. It is wholeheartedly a romance in the rough, passionate, slightly bawdy and infinitely tender way of two young men in love. Above all it is an intelligent book, one which appears well researched and which seems to pay deep respect to Thoreau’s character.

Available from Amazon

House of Silence – Linda Gillard

dreaming of books 2

Rather than a full book review, in these posts, I simply jot down a few lines on books I’ve enjoyed.

LGillard_HoSA young woman for whom family signifies betrayal and abandonment, and who has learnt to maintain her emotional isolation, falls for a seductive young actor whose sprawling web of relatives she welcomes as icing on her romantic cake. Yet invited for Christmas at their chilly old mansion presided over by a flighty matriarch, cracks in the family’s happy façade cause her to question the enigmatic past of this apparently idyllic family. Steering skilfully between the genres of romance and mystery, Linda Gillard has written a captivating read that will keep you guessing till the end.

Available from Amazon.

One thousand entrants in Goodreads giveaway – Winners announced!

Congratulations to everybody who entered this one-month giveaway on Goodreads. The competition to give away ten signed copies of Celia’s Room plus an original bookmark was open to Goodreads members from the US, UK, Canada, Europe, India, Australia and New Zealand. It is now closed, having attracted over one thousand entrants (1056 to be exact)!

Goodreads have notified me of the winners and I will be sending their copies out in the next few days. If you would like to stay informed about further giveaways, news and blog posts, you can sign up for email notification using the mailing list widget to the right. I promise not to divulge your email address to any third parties and only to contact you with upcoming book news, never more often than once a month.

If you would like to share your thoughts and comments about Celia’s Room, you can join in the open discussion here, or post your own independent review on Goodreads. I will be posting discussion topics in the next month.

The winners are: Nuria Costa, from Reus, in Catalonia, north-eastern Spain (close to the character Joaquim’s village); Davin Dmitruk-Cook, from Ontario, Canada; and from the United States, Lindsay Durflinger, Anthony Festa, Marisa Gist, Jenna Osborne, David Knepler, Kelli Kapp, Etta Wagner and Maggie Horie. Congratulations to you all. I do hope you enjoy reading Celia’s Room.

“Celia’s Room” FREE download 3 days only!!!

Barcelona, the night, love, angst and bloodshed… the perfect Christmas gift!

I’ve taken the plunge! Celia’s Room will be available to download FREE for 3 days only: Fri 14 – Sun 16 Dec. (US Pacific Standard Time)*. Download here (world): http://www.amazon.com/dp/B007OXDC7O or here (UK): http://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B007OXDC7O. Or you can borrow Celia’s Room for free from the Kindle Owners’ Lending Library. Read more and see the Celia’s Room book trailer here: http://www.poblesecbooks.com


* This free promotion will start at approximately 12:00 AM on 14 Dec. US Pacific Standard Time and end at approximately 11:59 PM on Sun 16 Dec. PST.